EAR founder has cancer

Just heard that Tim De P. of EAR fame is ill with cancer. It seems he had colon cancer which was removed but it has now spread to his liver. I wish him the best.
If it's in his liver, the next big step might be removal and dialysis....

I had a co-worker whose liver went down...he said his 'goodbyes' and moved on....:(  Just didn't want to exist that way...
Greg was a good friend for the while I knew him.

Hope Tim has a better chance, the therapy's have improved a lot since then.... 

I own a TAVR aortic valve....otherwise, this post wouldn't exist...

You are so right @tomic601, the Water Lily recordings are as good as recordings get. Tim de Paravicini designed and built the tube electronics in Kav Alexander’s analog tape recorder and microphones.

When Ry Cooder, a man VERY serious about the tone and timbre of his guitar (if you’ve seen and heard Ry live, you know how good is the sound he gets out of his Strat and pile of old tube amps), heard a Water Lily LP, he wondered aloud why his recordings didn’t sound that good. He ended up making a Water Lily album himself, the Grammy Award-winning A Meeting by The River.

Water Lily’s operations are located in Santa Barbara, California, as was Roger Modjeski/Music Reference/RAM Tube Works. Kav uses RAM tubes in the recorder and mics measured and matched by Roger himself, though I’ll bet he also has a stash of Telefunkens.

I sat and talked with Paravicini at the S. California Hi-Fi Show one year, unfortunately before I had acquired one of his EAR-Yoshino 868L pre-amps. One subject we discussed was old tubes, and he told me he favoured Mullards.

He is still on this side of the grass and there are new therapies for metastatic colon cancer so we do pull it off once in a while. If he is a tough guy he might just make it through this one. 
Us guys tend to ignore problems until they "bite us in the ass." You have to get proactive with your health care especially after age 40. The older you get the more traps there are to fall into. Get your routine healthcare and always report a new or worsening symptom immediately.
Also, if you do not like your personal physician find one you do and stay away from nurse practitioners. They may be well intentioned, nice people but they do not have the facility or training to function appropriately as a personal physician. They are just cheap labor that medical corporations can use to control large populations of people. Our medical system is being industrialized so that bureaucrats and pharmaceutical companies can steal your money and the government is not about to fix it. The first casualty in all of this will be personal physicians. You will no longer be a patient of Dr so and so. You will be a patient of Partner's or BIDCO or whatever large medical entity is in your area. There will be no personal connection, nobody on your side. Medical professionals will all work for some conglomerate not you. The old family doc is almost dead for good.