Buying from China

What do you think the impact will be in buying gear from China in the near future. Will the parts supply chain be depleted. Will part s other then those specify be substituted.? Will wait times for electrics will be extended. I can get pretty paranoid about it. Interested in the options of those with better insights. Should I wait awhile until things settle down befor I place my next order? I imagine things are going to be tough for the small hi end audio manufacturer.
Politics and Cornoavirus aside. I would caution anyone from buying expensive gear (expensive as defined by your risk tolerance) directly from China with companies that have no US or Canadian distributors for the following reasons: If you have any problem the communication with China will be suboptimal. If you have to return something it will cost a fortune to send a decent sized and weighted box back to China. Also when you buy from China there will be the issue of import duties. Lastly, if you have an issue with the company and can’t get resolution with them, my next piece of advice is to always use an American Express card in buying directly from China. This is because in my experience Amex is far more cardholder-centric than other companies when entering a dispute. Now if you are buying some Chifi IEMs or IEM cables that don’t cost very much and from a reputable company like Linsoul, then you can be a little less cautious. Good luck. 
If i can help it i wont buy anything i require having quality from china . Anytime i order something and its supposed to be from here , receive it and find out its from there , instant remorse.
There are plenty of US electronics companies building nice stereo equipment here.  ATI builds for many other companies.  Atmasphere, Digital Amplifier Company. and a host of others.  In the 50's Japanese products were considered a cheap clumsy electronic joke, by 1965 it was no longer true.  Companies build in China to meet a price point.  I do buy devices from China, preferable Hong Kong for political reasons, and having walked those streets during my time in the US Navy.  I did buy 2 Crown made in CCP amps recently as a short term fix.  Priced at 200 per amp with 200wpc 8 ohms was the reason and only for surround speakers.  I like Magnepan's current adverts, "Sold in China    Made in USA.  US and Euro products tend to be more expensive.  My father taught me to vote with my wallet.
I just ordered a pair of rectifier tubes and received them with no issue.
It took 30 days but it was not a big deal.
I purchaseda  cayin cd17 mark 1 player wayyyy back in 2004,,,Built to last , not 1 issue in 20 yrs,,sure has not seen much play past 10, still in nearly 15 yrs, performs perfect. 
Built likea  tank and sounds  incredible with 4 6922's. I'd put this Cayin up to Jadis's $20K CD player.
and walk with the Cayin,. cayin has a new Mark 2, nearly same design, but addeda   rectifier tube.
It come out the shop next week with all new M caps, 
Bottom line, there are at least 3 top line chinese labs which perform flawless and all 3 are built with the highest standards,,,well actually i only know Cayin, but the other 2 appear to be built on same quality standards.
China has some incredible engineers and have developed incredible sounding gear at wayyy less than 1/2 the price of Jadis.
No lab can compete with china right now, with the top china labs battling it amongst each other  out to stay alive in this dwindling stereo market share. 
There is a  California dealer who imports Prima Luna, which is made in the Sparks Lab/Cayin. Read the reviews for yourself. 
I plan to purchase the Cayin SC6 Mark2 preamp later this year,,,with no hesitation nor fears. 
Post Note"
China can not , nor ever will develope a  speaker system that can  come close to Demark, Last note, china can not make a  great sounding pre amp tube. 
vs NOS.