Looking for a DAC w/ balanced XLR line out, budget $1k

As per the title. Looking for something I can wall mount behind my rack out of sight (I've got no space for a giant integrated amp sized DAC). 24-bit is fine, as long as it's compatible with both base 44.1k and 48k sampling rates. 
A used Ayre Codex or a Schiit Gungnir Multibit. The former might be a bit more, but I have seen a few just under $1k. The Gungnir should be under $1K.
To be honest, the Codex is the better of the two.
Of course moving on up you have the Ayre QB-9 but that is USB only.
OP, what input do you need?
Of course moving on up you have the Ayre QB-9 but that is USB only.
OP, what input do you need?
I'm probably going to use a network player compatible with Roon, something like a Bluesound Node 2i, so optical or coax. If there's a network player with balanced line out and a decent built-in DAC I'd consider something like that as well.
If there's a network player with balanced line out and a decent built-in DAC I'd consider something like that as well.
That would be a Lumin D2.... But more like 2k, possibly a little lower but not much.
Unfortunately, balanced line out players don't come cheap.
I recommend an Aurender A10- way above your budget, but after getting a N100 after my Bluesound Node, I can honestly say it is superior.