CD/Transport W/ External DAC

I have been using my cd player(carin fog) as a transport and has since died and gone to cd heaven. I was and will be using a Benchmark Dac1 as the Dac. My Question is there a sonic diference in using a cheap cdp under $1000 vs one in the $2000 range if it will only be used as a transport.
Thanks for your help
I feel the need to chime in and second the remarks that Lak has made. I am still a bit of a novice in relation to some of the more seasoned hands on AG, and for me each component change has been a learning experience.

I just recently purchased a CEC TL2 and now find myself in the camp that feels that transports CLEARLY make a difference. My front end now very much outshines my downstream amplification, so I feel that I am still short of experiencing all that I have. But I can very comfortably say that with the addition of the transport I have for the first time had the opportunity to really hear the quality variations in the distributed media.
Ipy is right!! The cost of proper support is essential, especially with a CDP or transport.

I bought the Marantz SA-14 SACD player. After LONG breakin, it was very good, but not great. I then was advised and bought the Nueance Platform to place under it, and bingo, it turned into maybe the best player that I have experienced. It blew away my older Krell/EAD combo.


Ken at:


Also available at (I think)

Do a search in Audiogan or AA discussion and look for the best pricing you can find.
Yep, an upgrade in my transport made one of the biggest improvements of any upgrade I ever made.