Pro-Ject Debut Carbon DC with Ortofon 2M Red Cartridge: BASS sounds 'muddy' The Reason?


I just picked up a Pro-Ject Debut Carbon DC Turntable and have mixed feelings about the sound quality. The Bass is prominent and not ’tight’ (unlike my cd player) Some tracks sound good and others not so much.

My system consists of a pair of B&W 630’s, an old Denon 50 watt reciever (DRA-550) from the mid 80’s, a Marantz CD5004 cd player.

Also I’m probably going to be in the market for a new preamp/amp with a built in DAC soon. Would that solve the problem? Or do I need to upgrade the cartridge? If so please leave a link!


@klimt This is going sideways. Back up. You are all over the place. That's okay. 
Your original problem was muddy sound. You didn't apparently address suggestions about acoustic feedback. You assumed you needed a better cartridge. That won't necessarily fix things. Then, in another thread, you said you got rid of the table. Now you want to get a phono with moving coil settings while you've not landed yet.
I answered your question about what table you should buy on the other thread.
Chakster means well and he's right. But you do not need to go nuts spending at this point.
Assuming you sent the Pro-Ject back, and the support you are using isn't a tea chest or an ironing board, consider getting the Technics GR and a cheaper cartridge like the Nagaoka MP110. 
Get the Schiit Mani from Amazon. Connect it to the aux input on the Denon.
Ensure all is in order with set up. Read up on VTA, SRA, etc. Don't be afraid to adjust and listen and adjust. All set in an hour.

Now, your Denon is probaby not great, and in due course can be updated. The 630 speakers are big and may be overloading your space if playing too loudly. And we are back to acoustic feedback. Set tone controls flat and loudness off. See how you get on. Then and only then, can you move forward.