Wash, Cut, Polish & Demagnetize

As I sat and read through the most recent threads on the "Agon" forum, I noticed a thread regarding "Glossary of Audio Myths". I noticed several comments regarding "greening" and demagnetizing CDs.

Without delving too deeply into the effects of laser light diffraction, deflection, dispersion and reflecting light from adjacent tracks creating "jitter", and to avoid reduntantly examining the fact that the aluminum "wafer" in a CD is not always just aluminum, but in many cases aluminum "alloy", I would like to attempt to dispel a few of these "myths".

Many CD manufacturing facilities use a coating of mold release agents on the manufacturing machinery and on the plastic substrate material in the actual CD to facilitate ease of handling throughout the manufacturing process. Somewhat similar to spraying a cooking pan with "PAM" to reduce sticking. The residual amounts remaining on the CD upon completion of manufacturing should be removed as it will cause minor deflection and loss of focus of the laser beam. Specialty chemicals are available specifically for this purpose. I wash the CDs thoroughly using Dawn dishwashing liquid and very warm water. I cannot confirm that this process is as effective as using the specialty chemicals, but it leaves the CD surface extremely clean and seemingly free from any "oily" feel.

I then cut the edge of the CD using an Audiodesk CD cutter. This process reduces the amount of laser scatter from exiting through the outer edge of the CD and flooding the inside of the CD transport with reflected laser light. By cutting a bevel on the edge of the CD, you actually reduce the edge surface area by which the diffracted laser light can disperse. Some may feel that this a bit excessive, but we must keep in mind that the results of these treatments are cumulative.

The next process involves applying CD "Green" to the beveled edge. The properties of the color value of the Green used in the majority of these coatings tend to absorb any stray laser light. I still, to this day, have not been able to figure out why Green is the color of choice although, I have been told that it is simply the values of each of these colors (Red laser light and Green) that work together in unison to "neutralize" the light. The initial washing of the CD also helps to enhance the adhesion of the green coatings.

Upon allowing the CD green to dry, I then apply CD diamond using 100% cotton balls, and polish using again, cotton balls. CD diamond is an optical enhancer similar to Optrix,
Vivid, etc. and also contains a anti-static component. Most of these "optical enhancers" work by simply filling in microscopic pores in the CD surface permitting a more direct transmission of the laser beam through the plastic substrate material to the actual CD surface.

The last step involves demagnetizing the CD using a Furutech RD-2 CD demagnetizer. CDs, contrary to what most people believe can and will become magnetized. The results are a less black background, a general "haze" and loss of detail. If Cds were made using pure aluminum with NO trace elements, this step might not be required.

The results of all this? Pretty damn amazing. Again, recognizing that the results of all of these steps are cumulative, when all is said and done, the improvement is quite significant. Although these steps may sound somewhat time consuming, each CD actually only takes about three minutes to complete.

I hope I have provided some insight as to "dispelling" some of these myths. I can, and will, stand by this process as time and time again these enhancements have made CDs a lot more listenable. And, I have dropped the jaws of many non-believers after they have heard the actual results.

Any comments regarding this process are welcome. Happy listening.


You know Albert? It's gonna be kind of tough for me to try to accurately discern what each actual process provides in terms of benefits, but, let me give it a whirl with the most obvious results.

Cleaning: I have never heard an audible difference with just cleaning alone although, it seems better starting with a clean CD in terms of green coating adhesion, and is easier applying the cd diamond.

Cutting: Tighter bass with more extension at the lower frequencies, slightly opens up the soundstage.

Greening: That seems to be the biggie. Much more space between instruments, quieter background.

Polishing: Reveals a higher level of detail, removes some of the "hi-fi" sound. Music tends to have a more "natural sound". Instruments tend to sound more like instruments and less like recorded instruments.

Demag: Removes any "haze", provides a much blacker background. Lowers the noise floor to reveal the most gentle musical nuances and most minute detail. The most immediate effect is the absolutely dead quiet background which is immediately noticable within the first 10-15 seconds of playback.

Just like with our turntables Albert, the effects of proper VTA, cartridge alignment, tracking force and anti-skate provide the cumulative results.

And in terms of naysayers, I have a response to them in a preemptive fashion. Engage your brain BEFORE putting your mouth in drive.
Herman, Hi - the typical CD player laser light is infra-red, i.e. not in visible spectrum. Also, the light is not red or even infra-red while inside the plastic as wavelength is downshifted due to refraction...if you subscribe to theory of color absorption you will need the opposite color of laser light in the plastic.
Thank you Herman. In terms of terminology, you are right, I am wrong, and I stand corrected. And for clarification purposes, allow me to transcribe the manufacturers explanation;

"We have found that the effectiveness of the treatment is related not to the actual material of the dye or ink, but rather, to it's surface texture and to how closely the wave length of the Green is to the complement wave length of the 790 NM laser beam. A simple example is the relationship of a Blue wave length that is the exact complement to a wave length of Yellow. The Blue and Yellow will cancel each other out and what remains is Black. Black is the absence of color".
Sutts, that sounds highly unusual, considering the first track is actually at the innermost portion of the CD. I may be able to understand if it was actually the last track and that the information was recorded that far out into the CD diameter.

I have never experienced anything like that nor have several other individuals I know that use the Audiodesk.
I love to tweak but cannot perform the CD edge bevel because it breaks the golden rule of tweaking:


Also you will have problems trying to sell Cds that have been edge beveled.

That said I use similar tweaks, 3 total, which individually would be hard to detect but all three combined make a noticeable improvement. I have several duplicate Cds that I use just to verify stock CD vs tweaked CD. Here are three steps I follow in order of most effective:

1)Auric Illuminator - I only apply to playing surface and only blacken outer CD edge (these steps can be removed)

2)Marigo Crossbow Mat - For longest time I really was not sold on CD matts, this one is the best by far I have tried and after careful evalution it works for me.

(The combination of Crossbow matt and Auric Illuminator work great together since matt blackens/covers entire top CD surface, reduces static etc.)

3)Demag of CD (I only have Bedini ultra II but I am sure Furutech would be even better)(sometimes I get lazy and skip this step)

If I use all three tweaks I will hear noticeable improvement of tweaked CD vs stock CD