Buying from China

What do you think the impact will be in buying gear from China in the near future. Will the parts supply chain be depleted. Will part s other then those specify be substituted.? Will wait times for electrics will be extended. I can get pretty paranoid about it. Interested in the options of those with better insights. Should I wait awhile until things settle down befor I place my next order? I imagine things are going to be tough for the small hi end audio manufacturer.
I just love it when people decry socialism as if it were communism lite. 
The richest among us employ socialism all the time, at every opportunity, as long as it serves their purposes. And, it works wonderfully, which is why they decry it when the rest of us even think of using it.

As for who's closest to actual communists, one need not look any further than the right wing in this country. They party and travel with them, take in and launder their mob money, make lucrative business deals with them, and seem to take advice on how to run the country from them.

If the emperor is wearing any clothes, it's most likely a Kosovorotka and a Katuz to hide his balding pate.

All the best,

  • Well, Frank, you didn't know that the president is "invited" to give the SOTU. He does not invite or "sucker" them into attending. Nice try.

One thing I've noticed about statism ... it depletes humor out of existence for its followers. :-)

  • "They party and travel with them, take in and launder their mob money, make lucrative business deals with them ..."

Hey, who said anything about an ex-vice president?

Anyone besides me wondering how long these posts will be allowed to stand? Do the Mods work on Sunday??

Frank says most high school kids don't know when the government is taking advantage of them. Yet Frank apparently doesn't realize that the government is taking advantage of all of us when they take money from us and give it to hedge fund magnates and investment bank CEO's while those corporate titans pay NO income tax. The raccoon eyed anus mouth moron and pathological liar recently gave them another big tax cut and is figuring on another one before the end of the year. But Frank doesn't see this as being taken advantage of. Maybe when they start cutting his Social Security benefits he will begin to understand who is really taking advantage of who.