Preamp w/DAC (or Integrated w/DAC) vs. Outboard/External DAC? (Again! Forgive me!)

Please forgive this question if you think it's been answered before. I really have been researching it and am still confused.
Regarding prospective purchases of preamp or integrated amp —total budget about $3-4k.
I am still trying to decide a basic question of tubes vs. solid state.
But, I am *also* stymied by the "external vs. internal DAC" issue. This is the question I'm raising now.
  • Some say "you must get an external DAC because things change so much."
  • Others say, "get an internal DAC, you'll be fine and then can do a pre-out later, if DAC's change."
  • An audiophile friend says, "Even having an internal DAC that you bypass still adds noise, so keep it separate for that reason, too." (He recommends audio-gd DACs.)
  • Because I'm very interested in PS Audio's StellarGainCell (and it has a built in DAC) and I raised the DAC issue with them — I asked, basically, "Why shouldn't I worry about the obsolescence of the DAC in the GainCell Preamp?"
  • PS Audio replied: "It’s true that DAC technology has changed a lot in the last decade and obsolescence has been an issue as the industry has shifted towards streaming….The Gain Cell is compatible with all of the popular formats, like DSD and high rate PCM, so obsolescence is unlikely for what we can foresee. All of the streaming services we’re seeing, even new ones like Qobuz, are doing 24/192 and the Gain Cell is more than capable to handle all of that. While we can’t predict the future, we’re not seeing anything on the horizon that we expect to change this. We haven’t heard of anything that would be game changing and drastically alter this product’s relevance as the Gain Cell can process the file types and sizes we’re seeing with streaming which is increasing in popularity….We’re proud of the design of the Gain Cell’s preamp section, and I think its performance both in the DAC section and the preamp section will have a lot of longevity for years to come."
Any opinions about the general issue?
Any suggested $$ breakdowns for how to spend $3-$4k — how much for preamp, amp, dac, proportionately?
This is a system-building in progress. I'm spending reasonable, similar amounts on other elements but not gobs of money -- e.g. I will not have $5k speakers or a $2k streamer, etc. So if you think I'm over-worrying this question *given my total system's modest profile* you can just tell me straight, "Dude, don't bother worrying about this question. Your system isn't worth it." I'll appreciate that candor, too.

I do not think DAC tech is changing that fast anymore. Streamer tech is for sure.

An internal DAC is rather convenient considering the shelf space saved, 1 less set of interconnects and power chord. Maybe even better sound from the internal DACs short wiring.

I have been considering the Mola Mola Makua preamp with internal DAC and other cheaper alternatives. Some of these alternative are separate external DACs. However, when I calculated the inclusion of a streamer, preamp, DAC, and wiring. I get close to the cost of the Makua which I believe will offer better sound due to the short internal wiring to the DAC.

BTW - At $6K the Hegel 390 is an Integrated with internal DAC to seriously consider. The older Hegel 360 is going cheaply now.
Thanks yyzsantabarbara
I am seriously conflicted now!
I do wonder if the Hegel 360 is going cheaply now because it has a DAC in it. In other words, this is too big a research project for me, now, but I'd love to see a comparison between similarly priced units -- some with DAC, some without -- and compare their relative rates of depreciation. 
I’d look into the ML 585 integrated amp which has a multitude of digital inputs. The 585.5 has phono also. All I know is that the sum of its parts is pure high end in a box that exudes quality at the highest level. It’s passes any audiophile test and is also fun to use with the best operating software in the business. I’ve seen used and demos for 7k which must be one of the best value opportunities in high end audio. I’ve had an embarrassing amount of high end gear and know that this is an A+ product. IMO
In the past two months I’ve switched from an integrated DAC to an external $500, then a $1250, and finally a $2450 DAC.  I wish I had tried an external years ago.  It’s amazing the difference in between the units. I’m very happy with the unit I’ve settled on. I never dreamed I’d spend $2450 on a DAC, but it is worth every penny. My speakers are used, but they were $5000 retail. I currently use my desktop computer, a preamp, DAC and dual amps to my two speakers. I’m extremely pleased with my system. 
Schiit-Freya S preamp
Schiit-Yggdrasil DAC
Schiit- Vidar amps in mono
Dynaudio Focus 260 speakers