Damping Plates

Lots of discussions about isolators and couplers used on the bottom of components but not much said about dealing with internal resonances using damping plates on top of the equipment. Harmonic Resolution Systems (HRS) is one of many manufacturers that make such devices but, like all things with an audiophile label, they can get expensive. Low-cost alternatives such as scuba dive weights have been mentioned by some.

Have you tried damping plates and were there worthwhile improvements in sound quality?
On equipment with contiguous top plates (no exposed tubes)  I spray painted 2.5 and 5 lb. bar bell weights and glued a thin cork sheet under.

@mesch , great minds think alike. I needed to damp a new  component but didn't want to spend any more money so I used 2.5 lb. weights and added a cork bottom.


@lowrider57 which base type do use on your Edensound brass damping discs. I would want to keep than from sliding on surface of any component with exposed tubes.  
@mesch   Eden Sound offers their brass 'weights' with a protective surface to prevent movement and scratching/marking.
Brass, another low end material. Not a big fan. They should call it Low Eden Sound. 🤗