Aerial Acoustics 6T Speaker

Just wanted to inform you GON members that my review on the Aerial Acoustic 6T Speaker will be posted tomorrow on the website that I review for The 6T is a wonderfully musical speaker with a terrific cost/performance ratio. It does justice to all types of music and even though its a petite floor stander its over all dynamics and low end extension are reference level.
@teajay How do the Aerial 6T and 7T hold up nowadays against some of the more recent designs you've heard? I haven't heard the 7T, but absolutely loved the 6T that I demoed, against speakers from Paradigm, KEF, Klipsch, and Focal.
I just bought a pair of 6T’s yesterday. My wife and I demoed a lot of speakers and nothing came close to the Aerials 
It’s very interesting that the Thiel speakers are characterized as "lean" by teajay. I thought they are very natural and full-body sound. I can understand they could sound a bit "cool" if driven by a front end system that is a bit bright.

I was wondering if the 6T drivers are still sourced from SBAcoustic? If so then the drivers may be a bottle neck in term of performance, but given its modest price, they still would provide outstanding value.  In term of driver technology and quality, I would put the Thiel driver a step above those from SBAcoustic.
6T drivers are shown in more detail here: It appears that the woofers and midrange are SB Acoustics given the papyrus blend. The tweeter is the Scanspeak Discovery tweeter (not the Revelator as incorrectly stated at the above link). All are customized to some extent for Aerial by the respective manufacturers, but agreed that they are pretty cheap drivers considering the retail price of the speaker. The stock version of the tweeter is available from Madisound for $54 (non-volume pricing of course).

The 6T was in the top 5 or so speakers I’ve heard, though I preferred the 7T to it. Recently, I heard a pair of 6T driven by a Naim integrated amp at a friend’s house and they sounded horrible. Narrow staging, rolled off treble, and weak bass. Very much outclassed by a pair of KEF floorstanders in that room and on that same amp. At the dealer’s, my impressions were basically swapped between Aerial and a different KEF floorstander. Would not recommend buying unless you can try in your own room on your own electronics, especially given the comparatively poor (and continuing to decline) resale value of Aerials due to a particularly vocal disgruntled former dealer.