Need to select a pair of main speakers for HT

Happy New Year Everybody !!!
I am tempting to add a pair of main speakers to my Home Theater system. I am thinking about JBL 112, Klipsch RF7, or Paradigm Studio 100. Are these stil good option to consider ? Hopefully I will find some used ones.

I prefer clarity, sweet mid and deep/strong bass. I have a moderate size room (26' x 16' x 10'). But small foot print speakers will be desirable. Amplification is no problem. I can arrange for suitable amp. Are there any newer breeds to consider for better performance? Cheaper is the better. Vintage/modern all will be considered if they work.
Your thoughts and advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks and have good listening !!!
If this is for theater, the center channel is quite important. You really need it to match the right and left sonically. Vintage speakers won't do this for you unless you can find three matching speakers.
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My budget is around $2000. But I like to keep it as less as possible (probably around $1000). I will use them for music playback probably for 25%, and HT 75%. My music choices are Jazz, Rock, Pop, Country, Classical, etc.

I really want to avoid a subwoofer if possible. The reason being: It takes up additional space, additonal cost for a good sub, headache of matching with the mains, additional cables, etc. Not to mention of an additional amp for a passive subwoofer. I may have to go into that route, but that will be my last option. If two mains give out moderately good amount of bass, I will be happy. I think T6 is out of my budget.

I was considering vintage to keep the overall cost minimum and there are some really good speakers out there among the vintage ones. Moreover if the whole project fails I will not loose too much.

Thanks for the suggestions. I will appreciate more ideas.
Best regards.
My experience is that you will be unhappy without a sub unless you get large main speakers and large main speakers will cost more than adding a sub, especially when you consider the additional wattage from an amp neeeded to drive them. "Deep/strong bass" really does not exist short of a minimum 10in and really 12in or 15in woofers.
my mains have really good bass and I would never consider going without my sub. I was really surprised how much content is included for the sub, and I dont just mean booms, that is lurking in the soundtrack. Example is that there is a effective use of LFE in the latest batman movie to impart a emotional response. watching with and without was really evident. agree with the last poster on the mains not really cutting it. mine dont come close. Perhaps a good set of bookshelves with a decent sub. $1500/500 split maybe? as for your choices above the studios would work fine. opinions vary of course but...........