Chemically Altered Audio

Is there any interest in a discussion about home-made formulae that can significantly enhance audio quality? After reading some recent threads here, it appears that one company which had been involved in this aspect of audio is no longer in business, and has no immediate plans to reopen. I would not be making this offer if that company was still operating. My recent experiments in this area are extensive, and most of it is unique. The experiments are not influenced by the products of any other company. I would like to share the results, if it's not too controversial, and if such a discussion would not cause difficulties for anyone actively involved in the business. I certainly don't want to hurt anyone by revealing and discussing what I know. On the contrary, I would like to help open minded readers get started on some very cost effective, radical home-made solutions. I can describe in detail the steps necessary to create some home-made formulae which have proved to be very successful in my own system. I'll await reaction before I continue.
Maybe we could reset this discussion. Otherwise, it will get nowhere and benefit no-one.

Forget the do-it-yourself aspect. Emphatically, I now advise,"do not try this at home". OK?

But would a discussion of the methods involved be of any interest to anyone? If not, I honestly don't care. 

I think that this discussion is more than interesting....And useful....It is a change from tastes conditioning discussions and unconscious or conscious marketing electronic components habits by all of us, and from usual audiophile not so always useful other discussions...

I am interested by basic fundamental ways to upgrade any audio system to his peak potentials by homemade solutions at low costs...I know that this is not only possible by my own experience and experiments but this is the only way to Hi-Fi for most of us...

Almost all audiophile communities lives in the fog and illusive faith that all major upgrades are linked to the purchase of a costly new electronic components; a trip around all forums thread is proof of that affirmation...

My own experiments reveal to me that it is false and an illusion...They are 3 levels of quality for electronic components : low-mid-high...( sometimes many thousand dollars distinguish and separate some element from some others for example in the mid rung)

On each rung of this scale any upgrade on the same rung is an illusion in the sense of being a small changes rarely a great one compared to possible changes in the three embeddings...

The greatest upgrades in audio are controls of the 3 embeddings: mechanical, acoustical, and electrical grid...

The methods to controls these 3 embeddings can transform almost any mid system on the scale in a high one system, and if not, very near the high ones....( and transform a low one to a mid level one)

Then your experiments are great contribution about that goal to upgrade by controls of these embeddings....Not listening to that will be great lost for all....And coming back to usual small talks or advertisement for the products we all cherished inspired by our tastes and limited experiences( How can we decide what will be the absolute best electronic components? )

But most people are in the faith conditioned by the industry : only way to elevate a system is to change your electronic components, these same components that are most of the times already good, but unbeknownst to the owner, not at their peak potential S.Q. level because of defects in the controls of the 3 embeddings or in one or 2 of them...The most powerful and important being the acoustical, the electrical, on par with one other, and in third the mechanical aspect...

I think that it is easy, low cost, and possible to takes our audio journey in our own hand if we know the right direction to takes...Not so many threads pointed to the right direction, freeing ourselves of the buying illusion and frenetic abdication of our own creative thinking process....

I want you to go on with your discoveries and opinions, ignoring the negative ordinary voices...
I must add after one year here, that your remark about the way you use graphene and mica is one of the very few rare observations that was useful for me here on all audiogon...No  salesman speech but experiments by someone who has taken his audio journey in his own hand and dont only promote his"taste" about miraculous electronic component... Thanks very much...I will probably be able to improve my "golden" plate with that.... My best...