Technically, and perhaps ironically, the primary subject of the OP - static electric charge - is not (rpt not) contained in any of the three embeddings that mahgister oft reminds us. Oh, my! 😛Being obsessed by three elementary linked phenomena like these embeddings, does not exhaust this complex subject...And I am very interested by improvement in my cable, I already use my golden plate with success with that, but something is lacking, I guess that it is probably graphene...I guess something is lacking because in the cable the effect is less powerful that behind the speakers, on the breaker panel, or on the Schumann generator.... What is lacking is in my mind already for some months and it is graphene.... It is the reason why I am interested by this thread...
Thanks Geoffkait for tracking my primary interest or obsessions....:)
By the way I am also interested by information field and this is not linked to the 3 embeddings …:)