Is Magnepan is coming out with it's own amplifier

I had a dealer mentioned that magnepan was coming out with its own amplifier, does anybody know anything about it or if it's true? 
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Richard, unless you absolutely MUST have a tube x/o, the little First Watt B4 is perfect for use with Tympanis (I bought one for use with my T-IVa's). It is no longer available factory built, but only as a DIY kit. Completely discrete (no opamps or IC's), high-pass and low pass filters in 25Hz increments from 25Hz to 6375Hz, a level control for either the high or low pass (user selectable).
@bdp24 Thanks so much for that information.  I will look into it.  EC-21's seem to be priced pretty high when they show up, which is not often.  I wonder if all the buyers understand that they were made for the I-C speakers?  I am sure they work OK on other speakers, but not really designed for general use, I guess.

Of course, I would have to copy the specs from the EC-21 to make sure it fit the speakers, but evidently both slope and values are set by the owner.


You might also contact Tony at Music Reference, Roger ( RIP ) had a few Beveridge xovers available with some semi custom boards
Richard, I forgot to include the info that the B4 filters can be set to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th-order, which is of course 6, 12, 18, or 24dB/octave. Much more flexible than the Bryston x/o, which is regularly recommended and used with Maggies. The there are the x/o's from Marchand, who make custom boards to provide any x/o frequency and slope you desire. And, some of the Marchands are tubed!
I have used the Bryston 10b and 10b Sub for years and had great success with them. Two years ago I switched to a pair of the Pass Labs XVR-1 electronic crossovers, which are in another league all together.The Pass Labs offer extreme setup flexibility in setup and better sound. I still have the Bryston 10b/10b Sub crossovers if anyone is interested.