mc, if it is static electricity on the record try one of these.
The bristles are conductive carbon fiber and the arm is connected to ground so it shorts the record out while it is playing and sweeps any incidental dust out of the way. The static is being created by the stylus rubbing the groove. Unfortunately for us vinyl is at the very bottom of the triboelectric series. It loves to hold on to stray electrons.
When you set up the sweep arm you want to adjust the weight so it just barely touches the record. The sliding weight gets knocked out of adjustment easily so I slide it all the way to the front and crazy glue it in place. Then I adjust the tracking force with the threaded counter weight at the back. I put some thread locker on it so that it holds it's adjustment.
I have been using a conductive sweep arm for decades and never have any problem with static. I would never live without one.