Adjusting speaker positioning. What, if anything, to expect?

I am going to adjust my Magico A3’s positioning a little bit to try to optimize their performance and the listening experience. Due to the logistics of the room they’re in, there’s only a limited amount I can move them. I’ll describe the room and what I can do within those limitations. I’m wondering what improvement I might be able to achieve with adjusting positioning.

The room is approximately 14’ x 22’. There is a high vaulted ceiling. about 15’ at it’s peak centered in the room on its horizontal axis. Picture how kindergarten child draws a house. That’s the shape of a cross section of the room and vaulted ceiling.. The speakers are located about 8’ apart centered on the long wall. The front of the A3’s are only out 22" from the wall, the rear of the speakers only 9" from the wall. That can’t be helped. The prime listening position is on a couch about 10’ out from and facing the same wall, also centered. The components are on shelves centered and built into the same long wall the speakers are on. There are some other furnishings, and books above built-in cabinets, line most of the other three walls.

I can move the speakers about a foot farther apart or closer together, and I can change their toe-in. What changes, if any, might I be expecting or hope to achieve moving the speakers within these limited parameters? Could the sound-stage be affected? I’m not sure what the sound-stage should be like anyway. Should it extend to the left or right outside the speakers, or be mainly between the speakers? Right now depending on the recording the vocals and instruments are usually between or no further apart than the actual speakers. Could the treble, midrange, or bass response be augmented or diminished depending on positioning? Are there any other factors that may be affected by positioning alone? Thank you for any guidance and please feel free to ask any questions. Thanks,

If you think about it in the way recordings are made, you may really be chasing your tail trying to achieve what you think should be there. One recording is great and then another one may be a little more "narrow" than what you may think it should be. In that case, geoffkait’s approach of only one "source material" may really make the most sense.

Also, and I hate to reference geoffkait again, when you set it up to what you think is satisfactory, try moving speakers closer. You may be surprised. For some reason, without going into poetic descriptions, I find it somehow better. In short, as geoffkait tends to say, most of the speakers should be placed closer together rather than further apart. Of course, you be the judge, but it may be worth trying.

Also, how can you resist buying this toy? Just imagine what you can measure? You may be too busy measuring everything around and forget to set the speakers up.
My salutation glupson…. 

I think if you and geoffkait says the same thing, perhaps the second return of J.C. is near or perhaps you are right....I will opt for the second possibility... :)
Download a Vandersteen manual for a math based approach to speaker positioning. get jim smiths excellent book. The Leica Disto is cheap , especially compared to Magico. Not having good tools is like running Mohawks on a Porsche. Finally, figure out what your speaker room interface is doing, again a free download - Vandertones... and a $50 investment in the right SPL meter...

where is your Magico dealer in the quest ?