Sent Back the Pro-ject Turntable: What would be the best option in the $1800 range?

I wasn't crazy about the sound quality so I sent it back. 

 chakster recommended this TT:

What are the recommendations of other audiogoners at that price range?



Do I need to get a Schiit Mani Phono Preamp for MC and MM Cartridges?

Buy it direct from Schiits. It will save you money direct from them in stead of Amazon. I did and it came nicely packed and safe.
Klimt: If you live near the Chicago area I have a Schiit Mani in like new condition, I used it for 1 day until my JC3+ was can have the Schiit Mani for $50.00 just come and pick it up.
They are very bad belt drive for crazy price like $2000 and can’t compete with Technics GR Direct Drive that OP can buy for $1500 (amazing deal actually).

Schiit is a piece of sh.... t.
A proper phono stage required anyway sooner or later, SoundSmith can offer MM phono stages, JLTi is offering great MM/MC phono stages....

I highly recommend the Gem Dandy Polytable - designed and manufactured by turntable guru, George Merrill - see  I have owned one and loved it, and now Ihave upgraded to George's Super12. George is great to deal with and he really knows what he is doing from a design standpoint.