Guest suddenly takes it upon herself to move my speakers

Has this ever happened to anyone here?

You have your speakers positioned just as you like them, and then a guest takes it upon themselves to suddenly move your speakers?

Obviously I’m not going to get any sympathy from anyone in the non Audio world, so I thought I’d post my frustrating experience here.

I also imagine that many of your speakers can’t simply be slid out of position due to spikes or carpeting or sheer weight. Probably a good number of you, who like me have speakers on hardwood floors, have some marks in place to be able to return speakers to their exact position. (Which I didn’t)

But a recent female first time guest was sitting on the floor positioned between the speakers as we listened and for some reason decided that they should be pointed directly at her. Now some people might think “how obnoxious,” and others might think, ‘hey, a woman who wants the toe in angle optimzed for her seating position! She’s a keeper! Let her handle whatever she wants!”

And while I did like the enthusiasm, there was a supertweeter precariously balanced atop each speaker fireing rearward that could have easily toppled off and broken. (And no, there are no kids in the house).

I still haven’t found the exact sweet spot I had them in. For a long time I felt like a bit of an audio slacker since I never installed the factory spikes or rounded cones TAD provides for the CR1’s. Until a few months ago I read on another forum that many CR1 owners choose to just keep the stands on the floor, or haven’t found a benefit to using the spikes/cones on hardwood.

Obviously I’ll use the incident to try and eventually find an even more optimal positioning than they were in, but it still irks me that someone would just assume it’s okay to move a sophisticated audio setup that they truly know nothing about.

Nonoise how do you know I am a male?   
Most people on these sites prefer anonymity.  I have been a Agon member for 20 years and have kept it that way.  Sometimes joking on this site inevitably rubs someone wrong or is misunderstood.  
In this case WG took it wrong and as bad taste.  I certainly didn’t mean it that way.   The first think that came to my mind was the Lenny Kravitz song along what I assumed to be a not so serious post.  Sorry if I offended anyone. 
It's all good, pops. Nothing I said was meant to offend but to reflect on what is said as this thread seemed to be taking a turn for the worse, which is getting commonplace, good intentions aside. 

I was just looking at other threads past performance as an indicator. I guess that makes me the party pooper. 

All the best,
I think the use of the words "strong women in my life" and wolf's desire to label them as such speaks volumes. Pretty sad really. 

Aren't the Tad CR1s over 100 lbs, with the stands adding more weight ? Not easy to move, and certainly, she was out of line. Balancing super tweeters on top of them would also be tricky, as the tops are not a flat surface. The closest I ever got to an experience such as this, was a gf once turned off the power to some of my gear, without her realizing I left the gear on, 24 / 7. This was my fault, as I should have explained this to her. Anyway, although it would be exciting to meet a woman who is an audiophile / music lover, it is my opinion, an act like this, shows total disrespect, with signs of arrogance an narcissism. 
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