Leben CS600 or Atmasphere or ARC

Hi everyone, 
I am using a pair of Devore Nine speakers. I am looking for a tube amp for them. 

My shortlist includes:
- Leben CS600  
- Atmasphere (don't know which model)
- Acoustic Research  (don't know which model)
- Almarro A318B ( love this one but couldn't find a good used one)

My budget is around $5000, so probably I will go for used ones. Could you suggest which one is for me? I mainly listen to acoustic music like vocals, jazz, classical. Texture and timing are important for me. 

Thank you for your inputs!


Ag insider logo xs@2xquanghuy147
I can't speak to which sounds better, but if you're looking at Atma-Sphere as a possibility, its the M-60 that would be the candidate. The Devores are easy to drive and an extremely good match with our amps. The M-60s will make about 60 watts on the Devore.

In your price range you'll be looking at a used set of M-60s. BTW, older units can be fully updated to the latest version with full warranty reactivation.
Thank you everyone for your input. 

@jtgofish : This is the first time I heard about Bakoon. I just did some googling and I found that it looks like Bakoon is not popular in USA. I will check it out to learn more.
The Raven Audio amplifiers will absolutely outperform all of the amps mentioned on this list.  Amazingly enough they actually guarantee that in writing.  Call Dave Thompson and talk to him.  It looks like all of their Avian integrated amps are below your $5,000 budget point.  Read the Florida show report here on Audiogon by BlindJim.  Its almost all about how good their room was.
I second the Raven Audio recommendation - go to their website and read what they say and give them a call - you can’t go wrong with any of their amps from the entry level Nighthawk MK3 on up. Built like a tank in the USA. I have the Nighthawk and it is jaw-dropping good.

3rd vote for Leben CS600, I've heard the Leben Devore combo, and they have a magic synergy together, particularly for your musical taste.