Usless but interesting many of you old timers started with original Large Advents?

It was actually my second "real" system...but it is simply historic how many people that love great audio systems and the music they allowed us to enjoy started or at one time owned the original Large Advents.  If there is to be a list of the most influential audio products of all time, the Large Advent would be at or near the top.  I guess another interesting question would be how many sets of these Large Advents are still in use.  My brother in law and my sister still have a set of Small Advents in use in their den. 
The Advents are exceptional in our history, but their predecessor, the Acoustic Research AR series (1-7), had the greatest impact.  With their newly invented sealed woofer, followed by their newly invented dome mids and tweets, they revolutionized audio, holding around 33% market share of all hi-fi speakers sold in the US. These were 1/8th the size of comparible speakers and sounded better for much less money.  The new transistorized electronics made the system affordable.   For you relative newbies,  Professor Ed Vilchur, who invented these things, as well as the three point base turntable (which became the Aristoon and Linn Sondek),  partnered with speaker cabinet maker Henry Kloss, who was later the K in KLH, before founding Advent, and later, Cambridge Audio.  Advent is certainly a big part of this revolution, being even more affordable than AR and KLH.  Also of interest, Advents only existed to fund Kloss' development of his large screen, projection televisions.  The dual diaphram, mid tweet used in the Advent was  copied and presumably improved by Thiel.
Large Advents were my second set of decent speakers, bought in the mid 80s.  My first pair of speakers were Sansui Sp-100s  bought in 1969.

I am now listening to 3.6 Maggies that were bought new in 2006.  It has been a journey and I found an equipment mix that got me off the upgrade merry go round.
I was at the CES show in Chicago the year Henry brought the original VideoBeam TV.  We watched a large format tape of Blazing Sadles on it at the Drake Hotel and if I remember drinking some very basic wine.  A good time.  Meet Saul Marantz there once as well when he was helping Jon Dahlquist.  One of the people and company that I loved were Magnepan...

After the Videobeam a person at Advent, I believe Andy Petite, helped with the Advent 2 speaker and the first version had only one tweeter (in production they did 2 at an angle)  the high frequencies were shot out is such a straight line that some called it the AudioBeam.
Large Advents were my third speaker and my first decent ones.  After that Mc ML-1's for (too many) years.  Much better ones now.
My wife had Large Advents in her Deli. They sit up on top of a shelf that went all the way round  the main dining area. At the same time, I had Infinity 1001A speakers with the rear tweeter. I liked her Advents, but liked my Infinity's better.