Closed back headphones and Focal

Hey folks, I am beginning to research closed back headphones. My primary use will be when family is still awake and sharing space so that speakers are off limits while the sound infiltration from my open backs is Less pleasurable .  Secondarily, if I find a good sounding set of cans that do well at passive isolation, I might consider them over ANC for travel. 
I also have an opportunity for a tremendous deal on the Focal Stellia. Does anyone have experience with them or suggestions for other closed back headphones?
Well I can audition but there are things that become clearer after someone has lived with them for a while. I spent a long time deciding on my current open can, between a Grado I loved but found uncomfortable, and some super comfortable HD660s—so I saved 700 and use them a good bit, and enjoy their accuracy but the “veiling” that they had compared to the Grados remains a weak point of the phones. 
I am hoping to avoid a similar dilemma. That’s part of the back story. 
Being used to the Grado 1000's, I never liked any closed-backed phones until I tried the Oppo.  I have the PM-3s and they are really nice IMO.  They're not made anymore, but I do see them, as well as PM-2's and PM-1's up for sale.  Some are asking very high prices, but not all.  
I’ve never heard Fostex. Not sure if anyone in my town (Portland) carries them. Has anyone had these for any length of time? I haven’t had good luck with “protein leather” lasting a long time. Also, how is the build quality? The images on line don’t impress. 
And how isolating are they? That was one thing holding me back on the Focal Stellias. Not so good on passive isolation.