I brought a buddy to an audiophile friend's house. Went to his music room to listen to a new record I gave as Christmas gift. My buddy didn't really pay attention to the music but was curious, approached the KEF 105.2 left channel, then touched and turned the mid-range and tweeter enclusures. I couldn't say a word as I watched in disbelief but our host blurted, "Oh nooh...!", then proceeded to explain in a nice way to my buddy what he just did. That ruined our listening session. And I had to apologize. Good my friend kept a record of everything.
Sad story, but there are people who don't know enough about stereo. Everytime we invite people, especially those we are not familiar with to our music rooms, we also invite risk.
After that incident, I took note of everything from stylus tracking pressure to speaker position in my own system.
Sad story, but there are people who don't know enough about stereo. Everytime we invite people, especially those we are not familiar with to our music rooms, we also invite risk.
After that incident, I took note of everything from stylus tracking pressure to speaker position in my own system.