Flux HiFI Electronic Stylus Cleaner

I treated myself to the Flux HIFI electronic stylus cleaner.  I knew I had to get over the $150 price tag and just give it a try--I can always return it to Music Direct.  

Well, the thing works as advertised.  The result in sound quality was surprising.  Even though I thought I had great cartridge hygiene, the Flux shows me my methods are not as good as I thought.  

I highly recommend this product if you enjoy vinyl.  I have to think in addition to sound quality I would see a better stylus life and less record wear.  
Yup, it really works. The vibrating bristle pad gives some audiophiles the creeps, but I've never had an issue with it.
I own the Audioquest version of the Signet, and it works in much the same way as the Flux, based on what I read and photos.  It's very effective; the first time I used it on a well used MC, a big gob of dust fell out from the innards of the cartridge body; that was very satisfying. But I also use Magic Eraser.  Nothing beats ME for convenience, and I therefore use it before every play. Since the key to the benefits of cleaning the stylus has to do with doing it in the first place, I have come to favor ME.  It's like brushing your teeth after every meal.  Have any of you compared ME to the Flux or the Signet or the Audioquest/Signet? Maybe using one of the vibrators can be likened to a regular dental check-up, not daily care, at least for me.
I notice that some eBay vendor is charging $38 for shipping the Flux Hi-Fi.  Who(m) are they kidding?  The thing probably weighs a few ounces at best.  A gratuitous rip-off on top of the $154 cost.
Pretty sure that's because it's shipping from Germany.
All the ones I see on eBay are from Germany right now.
I used a Signet SK305, at my shoppe, every few plays, for a couple years.     Kept the stylus on my demo system’s Sonus Gold/Blue pristine.     Still looks like new, sitting in it's box, on my desk.     I’ve seen them sell for over $85.00(used), on eBay.     Probably should list it.     Can’t really say why, but- I’ve always used Stylast and a brush, at home.