it’s your opinion, and a weak 1 at thatAh sorry sunshine, ask any Electronic (general/sound/audio) Engineer about AC mains fuses and what a $200 SR fuse can do better than a 50c Bussman, and get them to state it here in person.
And then also ask him about the BS sound differences found in "directional" orientation of said AC mains fuses.
It’s all voodoo snake oil BS punished here in these forums by the manufacturers shills, to take the gullible members with no EE knowledge at all for all they have, as well as getting them to play around with mains that is potentially dangerous for them to be fiddling with..
That's why so many of these fuse thread are shut down. Audiogon aren't stupid they know, and have access to many EE's
The only way a fuse can sound better, if it replaces old crusty one that seen too many switch on surges over time, doesn’t have to be $200 fuse, should be $2 same one but new, and the same result will happen, and switch-on surge ageing will be the same for both $200 fuse or the $2 fuse
A slow-blo fuse ageing over time right to left
A fast-blo fuse ageing over time left to right
Your better off spending $2 on a "new original fuse", and save hundreds.
Cheers George