While your question was poked fun at by some, this exact question came up for a friend and I yesterday. Why? Because weight is touted as a "pro" for some amps and we didn’t know why.
Its called: marketing.
See: Mark Levinson.
Amplifiers weight
Power Supplies: Commentary for Consumers. by Nelson Pass Power transformersThe answer is, in other musings from Nelson, is that a 200watt class a/b power amplifier, should weigh at least 50lbs. The larger part of that mass being the transformer. As in a good 25lbs. Heat sinks, about 7-8 lbs per channel. maybe 10lbs per channel. then the chassis, about 10-15 more lbs. Faceplates of solid aluminum cost a lot to make,and weigh a lot... so don’t waste your bucks on them and don’t make the manufacturer do it, just because it looks cool and makes you rub your nipples in excitement. circuit bards weigh the least, a few pounds. Capacitors in the power supply another 7-8-10lbs. so we end up near or at +60lbs for a proper 200 watt per channel class a/b power amplifier. Which is why, if one minimizes but tries to meet the proper spec, we end up at Nelson’s stated low end of ’at least 50 lbs’. Here we see a 1500va transformer, coming in at 30lbs shipping weight, most of that being the transformer itself. https://www.antekinc.com/an-154115-1500va-115v-transformer/ When we look inside a classic Adcom GFA-555 power amp, we see a 600va rated power transformer, which is actually quite pitiful, with regard to current delivery. No balls at 4 ohms. We could drop the afore shown 1500va transformer in there, and then do some mods to the amp, so it can belt out full proper power at 4 ohms. the work would be extensive and flakey, ie subject to failure as the thing is not really built for it. Just buy a ballsier amp with a proper power supply, if we feel we need the extra but proper power at 4 ohms... to be blunt, the vast number of 200 watt per channel power amplifiers will NOT have that 1500VA rate transformer in it, they will poses something much lighter and wimpier. the only middling one that actually delivers that, that I know if, is the belles 450, where David Belles, added in a 1500va transformer. It looks like a undersized curling stone. I'm sure there are many more amps like that, this is just one I remembered at the moment and have owned 4 of over various times. Belles 450, no wasted mass, and half of the 57lbs, is the transformer. As it should be. To go to the right area, where it is all ’done right’, we have to move up to the big boys and their extreme power supplies, all done for mucho cash outlay. |