Just another Orange fuse thread

I have noticed that since the Orange fuse was introduced, a few threads have as usual popped up but what is bugging me is that they are closed as soon as they are started. Why is so? Is discussing about fuses so controversial that it gets the same outcome when sex, religion and politics are brought up in internet discussions? Is this because of a few rotten apples/trolls that derail the discussions that those threads are closed? If this is the case, that's very sad. Anyone here care to explain?


Subject any fuse to an incoming rush of current over and beyond what it is designed to handle and you'll see what happens is what George shows with his silly slide show of fuses.

It makes one wonder just how awful the gear is that it that it was designed that way. It also questions whether the proper value is being used.

All the best,
Damn, it’s a lot of work just to get someone to post a link to one of my products. 
You call that an "audio product"? I’ve now heard everything!
Have I told you lately that I love SR Orange fuses?
And BTW, to all potential fuzers.
The only way a fuse can sound better, if it replaces old crusty one that seen too many switch on surges over time, doesn’t have to be $200 fuse, should be the same $2 one that came out but new, and the same result will happen. Switch-on surge ageing will be the same regardless for both $200 fuses or the $2 fuses, there is no magic.

A slow-blo fuse ageing over time right to left

A fast-blo fuse ageing over time left to right

Your better off spending $2 on a "new original fuse", and save hundreds.

Cheers George
An audio product? Yes, I’d call it an audio product, but It’s really more like a component.