Higher End DACs

I am looking for a DAC (potentially streamer&DAC) to be paired in a mcintosh system (c1100/611). Its my first foray into digital streaming and I have no need for a CD player.

I see a lot of love for Esoteric, however, most seems to be around their transports? Are they not as renowned for pure digital streaming and/or standalone DACs? I see DCS (for instance) often referenced for standalone DACs - how does Esoteric compare?
I have a very strong suspicion you will be very happy even with the MSB Discrete.
MSB, email Vince Galbo (Vince @ MSBtechnology.com). They have a traveling Demo fleet that you can try at home with no dealer involvement. If you are happy though, you have to purchase through dealers

+1, and this is a great way to audition, at home, your own system, no dealers!

Cheers George
ufguy73...The Bartok(13k) and Rossini(24k)are absolutely cut from the same cloth but with a 10.5 price difference. Unless side by side in the exact same system I doubt that the improvement would be of the scale to spend that kind of extra cash. That said, as a typical audiophile I’d purchase the Rossini + clock(7.5k) if money was of NO consequence which it rarely is. I would be spending 18k more. I don’t think that I would have made a decision that would greatly enhance my musical experience. If I put 18k towards loudspeakers or a turntable I’d be making a fundamental change. IMO
Looking at what measurements I can find on the Bartok and Rossini I would be surprised if there would be very many people over 10 year olds who could tell a difference if they were blindfolded. I know I couldn't even sighted with my 63 year old ears. 
4425 we loved your statement,  wiw i searched for all reviews of the bartok and can’t remember a product receiving such universal praise. i’m getting one for sure.

Please look at the Lumin X1 which has received more rave reviews than almost any digital product in its price point, in general the Lumin products are usually rated as the go to product for their price point. 

As well as one of the forum posts that the reviewer dramatically prefered the X1 over the Bartok.

We are not saying that the Bartok isn't an excellent product it is but the Lumin is a choice that suits many people very well from a company that was considered the first major streaming dac in the industry.

As per your comment that the Bartok will be hard to tell the difference between the more expensive  DCS setups again not going to be true.

When a company any company builds a more expensive product you can beat your socks that it will dramatically outperform the lesser one, and specs don't tell this.

Georgehifi, we send out any digital product that a potential client would want to audition at no cost other than the shipping costs and of course the prospective client must pay in full for it. MSB is assisting their dealers who many of them are not going to be able to demo many of their line due to their very high cost for their top of the line fully optioned models.

The fact that Robert Harly who has heard every major digital front end has stated the The T+A SD 3100 is his new benchmark should say a lot. 

As we mentioned before just because a product is heinously expensive doesnt' mean that it will perform better than a lesser one.

In the case of T+A there is no digital company in the world right now that has applied such advanced technology to their dacs, that is not DCS or Esoteric nor Emm Labs. 

The ability to natively process DSD 1024 means you have to have a very high speed data throughput, it took a grant from the German goverment to enable the research to lead to this products creation. 

Native DSD 1024 means that the dac can receive an extrmely high data rate from the way the data enters the dac to the point that is is read.

Other dacs process a DSD 512 data stream and then reprocess that, which is not the same thing as being able to read and process twice the data rate at twice the speed initially, which requires much greater engineering to develop your own input receiver, chips and software and a data buss than can move data at that high a speed.

If you want the most advanced digital product in the market currently the T+A is the one to beat. 

4425 we have compared the Lumin to the T+A and the T+A is better the price difference is $20k so yes it should be the point being made is that there are fantastic digital products for the money that come very close to the best and there are others that are the best if you have a good enough system, the hearing acuity, and the money you can get results that are indeed better, in audio as with anything else is that price difference worth it to the prosepective client?

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Lumin, and T+A dealers