Speaker cables for Zu Omens??

Aside from the obvious (Zu cables), has anyone stumbled on a great cable match for the Omens?? Any other set up tips or tweaks??
Well because, I knew the first answer was going to be Zu, so
while I'm sure they are a great match, and probably the way
I am going to go, I was hoping some cable fanatics would be
putting other speaker cables through their paces with Zu's
and may have found another great synergy.
Many speaker cables cost more than the Omens. What is your budget? What are you looking to change? What are your current cables?
My current cables are Silver Sonic T-4's. Budget will
be around $400 give or take.
Not real sure I want to change anything, but can't help
wonder what a higher quality cable might bring to the table?

I'm trying in my minds eye/ears :o) to think of past cables that
may add to the quality of the Zu's. Cables that come to mind are AZ Satori & Holograms, Anti cables, Don't think Nordost
would be a good match?? but who knows?

But of coarse all cables I had in the past were with totally different systems so it's hard to tell.

My best bet is probably just order some Zu cables as who
would know better I guess as to what works best with their
speakers right!?
Zu Mission Cable is the perfect match. The Omens are wired internally with the same wire in the Mission Cables, so then you have the same wire from amp connection to the cabinet, and through the cabinet to the driver. Anything else results in two different types of wire in series with each other, unless you change internal wiring as well. Myself and three other hi-fi buddies own Zu speakers, and all use their cables. One of them just had to do the cable rolling, some even more expensive, and finally settled on the Mission cables with his Omens. He said they just sounded "right". I had the same experience years ago using JM Reynaud speakers, doing the "cable shuffle", and finally acquired some JM Reynaud cables. They never left the system, and everything else was sold.
Oh and btw...I forgot to mention that the main reason I
need new cables is my only pair of cables I have now are
biwire cables and I don't like having two ends dangling in the air.