Speaker recommendations 10 to 30k and no beryllium

Looking to upgrade from paradigm sigs8v2. Willing to buy new or used.  My room is 12x16x8 ft. Looking for floor standers. Trying to get away from beryllium in case of kids accidentally damage them.

@larryi Just not interested in having them near me. Don't want to always be thinking oh I hope they don't break or someone doesn't poke them. Since there are so many other great speakers why bother? I am not telling everyone to shy away but its just my personal preference.
@erik_squires  legacy is a good point definitely worth considering.@mijostyn: I prefer dynamics just for how much more rugged/durable they are and the dynamic sound.
@infection  Will look into those thanks.
You can get a new pair of YG Acoustics Vantage for at the top of your budget. Perfect fit for your room.
Spatial Audio X2 is a well reviewed (Absolute Sound recently)dipole speaker and uses an AMT Tweeter for about $9k. I have their M3 triode masters and they’re great sounding speaker and well engineered to reduce room interaction and produce a coherent sound image. Plus they look cool. 
Sanders Sound. Makes one product. Midpoint of your budget.
Nothing comes close. Read up on Roger Sanders.


 speakers and amps are some of the best in the industry!!!!

 Roger Sanders sound systems.  He is one of the inventors of the panel speakers.  
Or the one to make them worthy!
his Magtech amplifier are the ones to actually drive those MBL Radiostrahler monsters.