Speakers Don’t Matter As Much As We Think They Do?

When discussing how best to invest money into your system, it’s very common to hear people say, “Spend as much as you can afford on speakers, and then worry about the other gear because speakers have the largest effect on the sound.”

Now it’s never a bad idea to have good speakers and while I somewhat followed that advice early on, as my system has evolved it seems that I am not currently following that advice, and yet I am getting absolutely fantastic sound. For example as a percentage of my total system cost, my speakers cost 15%. If you include the subwoofers, that price is about 35%.

Early on I was worried I would outgrow my speakers and I’d hit their limit which would restrict sonic improvement potential as I upgraded other gear but that hasn’t been the case. With each component upgrade, things keep sounding better and better. The upper limit to speakers’ potential seems to be a lot higher than previously thought as I continue to improve upon the signal I send them and continue to improve system synergy. If you send a really high quality signal to a pair of speakers and get synergy right, they will reward you in spades and punch well above their apparent weight class.

One thing that may be working in my favor is that I’ve had these speakers since the early days of building my system so literally everything down to the last cable has been tuned to work in synergy with these speakers. Had I upgraded my speakers mid way through, I would have undone a lot of the work that went into the system in terms of synergy.

Has anyone else had a similar experience with their speakers? Does anyone have any extreme percentages in terms of speaker cost to system cost like 5% or 95% and what has been your experience?

maybe it’s been said in this thread but it is illogical and uninformed to make statements as to how particular speakers sound unless you listen to them in your home with your electronics. this is not generally possible so one has to make an informed guess.
last thing but important. it’s said that your  system is limited to its weakest link. does anyone really think it should be the speakers? unless you use effective eq nothing on the front end will change the ‘character’ of the speakers. they have to be very good. 
I have a pair of 30-yr old Sanyos -- two-way.  Cost about $100.  Great sound.  It's the wood box that makes the sound.  Particle board or plywood can't be beat.
As long as we can avoid the interminable hell of this forum:

  My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!

...@ 187 pages, and 9.3K+ posts.....(apparently on 'life support' of some fashion.....)....😒

Speakers are our reproducers, the final instrument.
They matter.
The room they're in does as well...perhaps more....
What's 'upstream' Does....but it's a matter of taste and budget.

Beat a dead horse.
Stitch it up, blow hot air into it.
Renew the beatings.....

..and then wonder and complain about 'trolls'.....

Beats me, too....;)
Lovin’ my Tannoy Eaton Lagacys @ $5500 retail...beautiful sound. Hehehe, only paid $3900 brand new including Atacama SLX 400 stands!! I ain’t telling.....😁 I’ll add em’ to my collection of Wharfedales and my klipsch. Driving the tannoys with a Sugden A21se pure class A single ended integrated, pure heaven.....bass from the depths of hell....ok, I stole that from Part Time Audiophile guy lol.
Speakers are the most important component.
they will change the sound from great to amazing to wow this is bad in the first 5 months.

 Amps matter, pre’s matter, source’s matter.

the biggest change in sound is speakers.  

 Audition as mnay as u can, look for what you want to hear,
bass, midrange, highs, or if you like more highs, or better midrange, deeper bass, 
 only you can decide what you like.

 It took me a long time to find my goosebumps on arms, neck and the epiphany and gratifying feeling of “this is my sound”
 tookme 30+ years to get where I’m at, and I’m happy as a pig in........you get the picture.

 Enjoy the hunt and demo’ing a lot.

 Call and talk to Roger Sanders,.........
  with all the amazing maps, class A, A/AB, D, H etc etc

 it’s hard to beat a wicked class A/B amp with almost limitless power, and the headroom.  

 His warranty is the best, and you talk directly with the owner if any issues arise.

 P.s. tell Roger, Declan sent you.