Has anybody listened to the Klipsch Cornwall IV speakers?

Steve Guttenberg Audiophiliac gives the Cornwall IV very high praise. Just wonder ing if any Audiogon folks have auditioned them. For $6,000 per pair are there better options.  
I've heard them and they sound great. They certainly have plenty of competition for 6K, but Klipsch Heritage stuff beats most hands down for efficiency. I have a pair of Heresy IIIs that look positively tiny relative to the Cornwalls, but still have that efficiency driven immediacy you only get from well designed horn speakers.
The Cornwall IV was on my short list recently and I still "wonder" about them since I didn't get to demo. If you're willing to live with a speaker that size, I would put the Tannoy Legacy Arden in the same category and am pleased as can be with my pair. They retail a little higher, but can be found for the same money as the IV. I still intend to demo the Cornwall just to satisfy my what if curiosity.