Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne

Hey guys,

Has anyone heard the new Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne? Just saw this pic from CES 2011.


Any thoughts on this one?
I guess you have a point.
But if I was marketing a line of speakers that have much more expensive equipment, I would try to steer you toward the more expensive speakers.
He didn't know I was looking to buy just that speaker.
Besides, what little I could find on other chat rooms and other people at the show was very promising and pos..
Just an update.
The Evolution Acoustics room was voted the Best sounding room of the show.
And the MMMicroOne was the only speaker in the room.

Defintely has my intrest.
Her's a link to the shows award. Read all the way to the bottom.
Bar81, you can get up now.

Winning best sound at a show (assuming the person granting the award has a clue what they are talking about) is like being the one eyed man in the land of the blind; it just means you sucked less than the rest.

If show awards excite you, then sit down and read up yourself:


You like the speakers and want to buy them, more power to you. If you are happy with the speakers then that is all that should matter; this constant marketing is pathetic.