Importance of phase and timing optimization when incorporating sub woofers ?

For incorporating a pair of sub woofers into a music system, how important is it to be able to optimize phase ( continuous adjustments and not just 0 or 180) and timing ( optimizing delay ) ? Reading on this subject, some say to get the best seamless integration, the two above factors are essential. REL is frequently mentioned as the most musical/fast/detailed sub woofers for music, however they only allow of 0 or 180 deg phase and no other room correction, as compared to Velodyne DD’s or JL Audio’s. I could utilize something like the JL Audio CR-1 crossover, but adding an additional piece of equipment into the audio chain wouldn’t be my first choice. On the other hand, the added benefit, might make the addition of a well made crossover a net plus ??? Regardless I plan on having my room/system measured to assist with incorporating what ever two subs I go with.
Thoughts from experienced users?
Mijostyn wrote: " Yes Duke but FR, Phase and Time interact."

Agreed! Of course they do.

And I bet that when you get the phase and time right, the frequency response is also right. 

What's funny is I literally just did this last week. I used the OmniMic DVD test to align the subwoofer to the center channel.  My audio processor's distance setting was too coarse, so I got it as close as I could, and watched the frequency response change with each change in sub delay.  First a dip, then, slowly, the dip disappeared.

