Higher End DACs

I am looking for a DAC (potentially streamer&DAC) to be paired in a mcintosh system (c1100/611). Its my first foray into digital streaming and I have no need for a CD player.

I see a lot of love for Esoteric, however, most seems to be around their transports? Are they not as renowned for pure digital streaming and/or standalone DACs? I see DCS (for instance) often referenced for standalone DACs - how does Esoteric compare?
The MQA music is often very poorly recorded. I listen to them every single week when I look for new music. No audio format will ever give you a better result in the quality of the recording.

I also have a lot of DSD music on my modified Lumin L1  music server. But I even own 16 bit 44.1 kHz recordings which are even better than some good DSD recordings. I have some DSD512 recordings which are by far the best I own.

But still how a recording has been done, it far more important than the format. These days the quality of recodings is becoming worse, unfortunately. This is not a good thing.

“No audio format will ever give you a better result in the quality of the recording”


This is very concerning, what can we do to fix this?

The MQA music is often very poorly recorded. I listen to them every single week when I look for new music. No audio format will ever give you a better result in the quality of the recording.

do you ever compare an MQA streaming recording, to the native high rez file? it's easy. go to HD tracks and download the highest rez.

or maybe to the analog tape source? this is harder to do, but not impossible.

and what level of sources do you use for that high rez native file, or analog tape? this is an important part.

you have to properly hear the source to judge what MQA does......or does not....do.
I buy sometimes music over here: 


Many of the MQA recordings are recorded too loud and miss a lot of layering in sound. 

I am not interested in streaming, this is in my world only made for children. Not even when they paid me 100 euro each day I would start to stream by Tidal or Qobuz.

I have to say that I buy over 90% of all my music at Qobuz. I am not that impressed by MQA, to be honest. I own some DSD512 recordings, this is from another planet that makes MQA even laughable. I am an extreme perfectionist and only the best is good enough for me. 2nd best and less is only made for the born losers on this planet.

Why you would give your clients less than the best possible? We want our clients to get the best quality for their hard-earned money. We take care of all our clients independently. I don't do this for money, but to help people to get a Tru-Fi system.

I make all incomplete (lacking one or more aspects of sound) systems complete by implying the aspects of sound which are missing. Because this is the only option to make people happy with their system. So they will want to use it every single day!
I will have the Bartok for tests soon. I am looking for hiend streamer not particularly for dac but...
I am using Dave with Blu. What a nonsense to use Dave with M-scaller. M-scaller is for TT2, Hugo2 maybe... but Dave? Suffice to say that Dave is another level device when used with Blu.
I was asking Lumin about x1 limited only to streaming functions but they said it is a corporate secret (next products). Man, most of the worlds you red in previous posts are crap. Stop asking and start listening for yourself. You can change voice characteristic of you system with cables only. Starting from power ones. When you start to talk about HiEnd use ears and brain and forgot about other fantasy stories. Bartok this, Lumin that... such stupid crap. Thrust your ears first.