they will change the sound from great to amazing to wow this is bad in the first 5 months.
Amps matter, pre’s matter, source’s matter.
the biggest change in sound is speakers.
Audition as mnay as u can, look for what you want to hear,
bass, midrange, highs, or if you like more highs, or better midrange, deeper bass,
only you can decide what you like.
It took me a long time to find my goosebumps on arms, neck and the epiphany and gratifying feeling of “this is my sound”
tookme 30+ years to get where I’m at, and I’m happy as a pig get the picture.
Enjoy the hunt and demo’ing a lot.
Call and talk to Roger Sanders,.........
with all the amazing maps, class A, A/AB, D, H etc etc
it’s hard to beat a wicked class A/B amp with almost limitless power, and the headroom.
His warranty is the best, and you talk directly with the owner if any issues arise.
P.s. tell Roger, Declan sent you.