Higher End DACs

I am looking for a DAC (potentially streamer&DAC) to be paired in a mcintosh system (c1100/611). Its my first foray into digital streaming and I have no need for a CD player.

I see a lot of love for Esoteric, however, most seems to be around their transports? Are they not as renowned for pure digital streaming and/or standalone DACs? I see DCS (for instance) often referenced for standalone DACs - how does Esoteric compare?
Shame that this thread has been taken over by kenjit the speaker engineer's digital clone
how would anyone know that bo’s version of the ‘truth’ musically is the same as mine or others? another thing about his soundstaging comments. I have no studio recording experience but how does one create a soundstage from a studio recording? I can’t figure that out. good is just good and most of us know it when we hear it.. doesn’t require a sermon to understand. fwiw
whatever diminished relevance this thread was clinging to, bo has extinguished.

and i’ll never get the 90 seconds it took to write my last response back.
Post removed 
You will find the truth on each recording. Each audio product has its own DNA. This means the aspects of sound it can reveal and which aspects it does not own and also can not reveal.

Humans can perceive sound in a 3-dimensional perspective. But.....when you judge all different audio products on this particular aspect, you will find that most are 2-dimensional. 

So what is 2-dimensional?

This means that all voices and instruments are almost standing one the same/one line. In our world, 2-dimensional is all products who can reveal 1 meter of stage depth max.

When you are at home and listening to your system. You hear all different aspects (DNA) of all different parts in your system together.

And the influence by:

- the acoustic
- electro-smog
- high-frequency noise
- magnetism

On your stage and sound. There are even more like the level of humidity. But I will keep it a little bit more simple. 

When you compare digital sources and DACS with each other the differences are huge. We select each product and each part we use for modification by Tru-Fi.

We first want to know which aspects of sound it can reveal and how these individual aspects of sound are being displayed.

So what is the difference when a source and audio system can create a huge 3-dimensional holographic stage?

During live classical acoustic concerts, I learned how small and direct voices and instruments are. And what depth does to voices and instruments.

When you listen to music in a real 3-dimensional stage the experience of the same music becomes a totally different experience.

When voices get what we call a 3D shape (delimitation in space) and become free in space, people describe it as closer and more intense.

We go even further in 3D level, we also create diversity in height. When an audio system can reveal even all the differences in height of voices and instruments music becomes an even more intense experience.

Diversity in height is a lot more difficult to create than only stage depth and width. We also choose products and parts who can reveal diversity in height.

In a real High-End system, you can hear all voices and instruments being played in a physical and tangible intimate focus of voices and instruments. Where you can hear the exact height of for example a Trumpet (often at 1.4 meters) and Hi-hats are even higher displayed.

We made huge improvements also in the layering in sound. We use different songs of a voice or even a trumpet to show how much more layering and details it can reveal by our modified Lumin players compared to any other source or DAC.