Doubting Sound Treatment ?

3 years ago I purchased an 11 piece Kit from a reputable company. I noticed improvements, but wasn’t instantly blown away. Now 3 years later I took it all down for a home move. Bass definition noticeably less. Instrument placement less good. Overall coherence less. Not a as intimate. Far less enjoyable, simply put. If your on the fence, get past it. Better improvements with the treatment than most of us hope for when we change Preamp, Amp, or Speakers. Doubt no more !
Cheers ! 
Bats piss. 
Oh, uh, what I mean is his majesty is a shining stream of golden light when all around is darkness.
any Serious DIY would fell own trees for lumber for frames, gin some 40 acre cotton and put mule skin over the foam from the backyard rubber tree...

The mighty SR duo shillers have surfaced from the mire, the other 4 will be along shortly, to combat any negatives on the HFT little snake oil thingies.