New tubes...far more power??

I replaced my quad set of KT150's in my tube mono blocks a few days ago...replaced with a new set of KT150's that were quad balanced and now for some reason the power output is considerably more. So much so that i need to drop the volume control on my preamp by three notches! Plus, the sound quality is actually no better than before...and maybe even a little strident! Anyone have any idea as to why this would be? 
Does your amp have auto-bias? If so, you may have to reset and bias to spec for new tubes. The auto-bias then maintains as needed. Check your manual.
@dweller   My amps are auto biasing, but they have no method to manual bias, I don’t know any auto bias amps that do.
This amp design doesn't allow for manual biasing. As I said before, I don't know of any auto basing designs that allow for manual you??
All tubes, both large and small, produce varying amounts of harmonic distortion: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th ... And this is measurable. Your new set probably has a different harmonic distortion signature. Which you noticed and did not like! There is no "cure" for this! Just accept it - or buy a set from a different manufacturer. And hope that they will have more pleasing sound!