Speaker recommendations 10 to 30k and no beryllium

Looking to upgrade from paradigm sigs8v2. Willing to buy new or used.  My room is 12x16x8 ft. Looking for floor standers. Trying to get away from beryllium in case of kids accidentally damage them.

The only thing I would say about Raidho is you need to give them space to breathe and that tweeter is very delicate. It won’t make your kids sick but it can be ruined easily by them and Raidho does not offer grills.
That being said, most amazing soundstage I have ever heard when they are set up perfectly. $18K for D3 v2 is a fine price. You may want to reach out to Raidho and see if an upgrade is available and how much it would be.

otherwise, Blades! Vivid Giyas! Joseph Audio Perspectives! This is choice!
I’d advise probably Executive Stereo first. I bought mine from Ed and he’s a great guy, and I know he has the Perspectives for audition since I just heard them there myself this week.
TIP: Ask to have the Perspective pulled well out from the wall and spread more apart. I find that showroom to be a bit boomy in the bass and if the Perspectives are near the back wall like they were when I heard them this week, they will boom. The Perspectives are capable of very rich but tight bass - I own the original Perspectives. The ones at Executive Stereo are the slightly updated Graphene driver version.
Regarding Raidho I would look at Borresen also since they have the former Raidho designer. Still as expensive though, this price range only includes their standmounts.
I just went through a process of choosing new speakers in your price range.  To meet your non beryllium requirement I would choose,out of the many good choices listed here, a used pair of Stenheim Alumine 3 or 5 used.  There have been pairs of both on Agon recently.  They lack for nothing and are quite efficient at 1w/94db.  I decided I wanted beryllium and bought a pair of Magico Q3s instead.