Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne

Hey guys,

Has anyone heard the new Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne? Just saw this pic from CES 2011.


Any thoughts on this one?
Are Evolution Acoustics speakers available to audition anywhere near Boston? I read so many good things about them, but I have never heard a pair.
It sounds like they only exist to be demoed at audio shows. Is this speaker like Sasquatch, only seen by the lucky few?

My friend and I heard the MMMicro Ones at the 2012 T.H.E Show which ran simultaneously with the CES in Vegas. We returned to the Evolution Acoustics room three times to listen to these little gems. We kept expecting a curtain to be drawn and the "real" speakers to appear. If these were not the best sound at the show they were certainly in the running.

Yes, they were being driven by a very pricey dartzell integrated amp. as well as expensive speaker cables and I too wondered what the Micro Ones would sound like with less expensive front end gear.

Never the less, the sound was incredibly airy, 3 diminutional, transparent, and the bass unbelievably fast and tight. It did not leave me feeling that it required a sub-woofer although that addition might even enhance the already
full range sound.

In a word, I love these speakers and I think the lovely aesthetics will even pass the WAF.
Goldmanjay, did you hear them at last year's THE Show? I though those sounded much better. I did learn of the long saga of getting the parts together to manufacturer the speakers.