The Truth about Modern Class D

All my amps right now are Class D. ICEpower in the living room, and NAD D 3020 in the bedroom.

I’ve had several audiophiles come to my home and not one has ever said "Oh, that sounds like Class D."

Having said this, if I could afford them AND had the room, I’d be tempted to switch for a pair of Ayre monoblocks or Conrad Johnson Premiere 12s and very little else.

I’m not religious about Class D. They sound great for me, low power, easy to hide, but if a lot of cash and the need to upgrade ever hits me, I could be persuaded.

The point: Good modern Class D amps just sound like really good amplifiers, with the usual speaker/source matching issues.

You don’t have to go that route, but it’s time we shrugged off the myths and descriptions of Class D that come right out of the 1980’s.
1200as1/2 modules have their place, and it isn't in what many consider high end audio. Tweak it as much as you like, it won't help anyone looking for something exceptional. As I've mentioned before, there are just too many people buying them and re-selling after being disappointed with the results. Like anything else, you get what you pay for, and the 1200as1/2 is no different in this regard. They are good value for what they cost ($250.00), but don't expect them to be anything more than that.
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Can't see the forest for the trees sunshine, how do you get through life?  


put your money where your mouth is and buy the EVS 1200. Then, and only then, would anything you profess, potentially have any value. Alas, you have so convinced yourself that all class D sucks, that you would have to bash it just to save face.

Get a life

To anyone else who has denied themselves the opportunity to hear which of us is telling the truth, it’s your loss.

What more could Ric possibly do than give you a money back guarantee?

I had no way of knowing whether his tweaks would be magical, until/unless I bought it. I did, and I did not return it

$2200 is an absolute bargain in todays world of uber expensive hi end audio amps

Apparently, the GaN Voyager is still going through its development issues. Why? It’s a ground up build, whereas RIc was able to take off the shelf newest IcePower 1200AS2 modules and analyze how they could be improved, and did it. BIG DIFFERENCE

I have owned lots of TOL/SOTA tube equipment, Lector, Musical Reference RM 9, Judd Barber custom OTL amps, Rogue M150s, and lots of SS amps; Parasound A23, NYAL 300 and 600 (yes Im that old), Bell Labs, my favorite being Kinergetics KBA 75 class A, and plenty more that I cannot recall

Additionally, multiple class D amps; PS Audio, W4S, Emerald Physics 100.2 SE monos with upgraded fuses

Ric’s EVS 1200 is the only one that reminds me of the KBA 75
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