The Truth about Modern Class D

All my amps right now are Class D. ICEpower in the living room, and NAD D 3020 in the bedroom.

I’ve had several audiophiles come to my home and not one has ever said "Oh, that sounds like Class D."

Having said this, if I could afford them AND had the room, I’d be tempted to switch for a pair of Ayre monoblocks or Conrad Johnson Premiere 12s and very little else.

I’m not religious about Class D. They sound great for me, low power, easy to hide, but if a lot of cash and the need to upgrade ever hits me, I could be persuaded.

The point: Good modern Class D amps just sound like really good amplifiers, with the usual speaker/source matching issues.

You don’t have to go that route, but it’s time we shrugged off the myths and descriptions of Class D that come right out of the 1980’s.
Once you’ve made your point, time to move on, but noooooo. Seems like every time someone posts something positive, you have to rush BACK in and spew your ’knowledge’, for which people who actually understand the electronics, have to correct you, yet again

@tweak1 :

To use GFi’s exact condescending words against him: "You just doesn’t get it, george."
There's a handful of people on A'gon who need Class D amps to fail, and then there's dozens of us who enjoy it every day.


Golf, that **** doesn’t worry me, I just hope the mods see it and treat it for
what it’s worth. He’s a Nelson Pass basher, we all know it.

So, @georgehifi you had a post of mine which laughed out loud at you removed because you felt it was too insulting and classless, but calling another member an idiot is OK? Also, if you are talking about me, George, I have never bashed Nelson Pass, and I daresay I have never bashed the brand. I don’t like it. I’m allowed to not like something, right? Because god knows you have half the posts in this thread talking about Class D being terrible.

Also, relevance?

I started this thread hoping to get members to be open minded and let those who enjoy Class D chime in. Instead it has become a character study. Anyone who takes you at face value should read the entire thread. I stand behind my behavior.



Wow what a rant, clean up aisle 4
Your going to blow your pooffoo valve sunshine, better keep in in check, and yes you are known as an Pass Labs basher
Wow what a rant, clean up aisle 4


Looking forward to you recognizing your technical errors and retracting them.

yes you are known as an Pass Labs basher

George, you have bashed Class D more in the first page of this thread than I ever mentioned Pass (the name or the brand). In fact, all over Audiogon, one cannot mention Class D without you jumping in. You are exactly like Beetlejuice (the movie).

So, in this thread, recently, you’ve failed to recognize your technical mistake, took a condescending attitude towards another audiogoner and insulted me, also, you’ve lied about me. Talk about a lack of respect.

I am looking forward to the time when you are shown the technical errors in your argument and you actually don’t turn it into an excuse to attack another.
