Innuos - New Re-Clocker

Heard Innuos was launching a Re-Clocker.  Anyone have details on the specs and performance?
Based on Innuos' focus in this area, their learning from developing the SE and then the Statement, one would expect upsides from their implementations and approach vis a vis the Phoenix. What they state regarding the linear supply + it's implementation, as well as the master clock, stand out (to me).

I've copied Innuos' 'summary points' regarding the Phoenix, below.

Given feedback from those who have directly compared the Zenith Mk3 + Phoenix to the Statement, I would expect the Phoenix to perform above the level of most reclockers out there.

Whether that differential/upside is enough AND/OR the corresponding price point is acceptable, is very much an individual decision/choice.

"The Phoenix USB offers in one unit the equivalent of 3 separate components: A USB regenerator, a linear power supply and an external master clock with its own linear power supply.

Innuos applied 3 main design approaches learning from their experience with the Innuos flagship music server, the STATEMENT:

 · The US B chip regenerating the signal contains no switching regulators. All 3 independent voltages to the chip originate from an independent linear power supply with further regulation provided by 3 sets of LT3045 regulators.

 · The use of a 3ppb OCXO clock running directly at 24MHz and connected via a board track just a couple of inches away from the US B chip. Therefore, no precision is lost within cables and connectors, as is the case when using an external master 10MHz clock with an additional 24MHz clock generator.

 · Two independent Statement-level linear power supplies, one dedicated to the OCXO clock and the other used for powering the US B chip/5V US B line."
Is there a DAC in any of these components, Statement, Zenith,  Zen? If not then you need to be cognizant of the DAC you use as some will reclock on all interfaces including USB so that would make the point of this reclocker moot. 

Good point on the ‘worthiness’ Phoenix re-clocker in the chain. The audible improvements or lack there off from Phoenix re-clocker would largely depend on the implementation of USB Audio interface in your DAC.
I will say that compared to the Zenith III, the Mini III with Reclocker brought me a little bit more body. Without the re-clocker the Zenith III wins over the Mini without question. With it, in my system, not really. I could have bought the Zenith III but went with the Mini III, Power Supply and Re-Clocker. Works for me, and if I upgrade to the Zenith III in a year or whenever I am sure the Phoenix will help that and it will be better than the Mini III with the Phoenix. As is I will be happy for a long while with this. Used a Sonos for the last several years. This is a HUGE upgrade. As I write this, I am listening to the Mini III and Phoenix. My power supply has not come in yet...but when it does I expect a little jump up again. If we talk cost, retail of the Mini III 1 TB, Power Supply and Phoenix come in at around ($1249 = $3149 + $699 = ) $5097. This is MORE than a Zenith III 1TB, yes, and for me, it added body and did the space thing better than the Zenith III alone. Makes sense too. It's not going to be as good as a Zenith III with Phoenix though. But that is a much more expensive option. Thanks. 
Oh and my DAC is quite nice. It's a $3500 module. I have a Vinnie Rossi L2iSE with the L2 DAC. The Re-Clocker does improve the sound dramatically with the Mini III going into the L2 DAC. Not sure why or how but I do not care as all I care about is the outcome. ; )