hello @thyname
A 4TB Statement costs an eye watering ~$14,400 USD. A top Zenith 4TB + a Phoenix = $8,800 USD;
So, for approximately $5,600 USD more you get 2 chassis, a much more sporting power supply, heavy case work etc in the Statement. I assume they even tricked out further the implementation of the Re-clocker circuitry inside the Statement chassis;
If the Innuos deleted the Phoenix USB Re-clocker toroid, case, and all the extra parts to make a standalone unit, just focusing on the triple linear supply and USB Re-clocker circuit board itself (with the oven controlled oscillator on it) from the BOM of the Phoenix they would be in the hundreds of bucks of parts only;
The trick for them is integrating it in the Innuos Zen series chassis along with the same motherboard, which is a COTS PCBA from a PC vendor; The USB and Ethernet receptacles are directly mounted on the PCBA;
I have had custom Com Express Type 6 carrier boards designed for me such that the manufacturer removed exact USB and RJ-45 jacks (seen in boards like the InnuOs zen pc motherboard) in favor of parts from JST or SAMTEC, from which we would plug a mating board to wire connector and route the high speed differential signals over to secondary break out boards for other purposes;
InnuOs could totally do that here (add a larger overall VA transformer to power the USB stuff) and up the cost of the Zen series maybe $1,000 - $1,500 and still profit; Single chassis, lower costs for all; I can’t see them asking their PC supplier to add in the custom re-clocking circuitry but it is pretty trivial to break those signals out to a sub-system.
I am totally not picking on InnuOs at all; Just dreaming of ways to get the highest performance USB interface out there baked in a server that is around the ~5K mark;
IMHO i’m sure the statement sounds incredible but boy is it turbo expensive!