Innuos - New Re-Clocker

Heard Innuos was launching a Re-Clocker.  Anyone have details on the specs and performance?
Btw, I totally understand what @stevehuff is saying;
The way the improvement has been described (I read a ton about this reclocker) was what I heard massively on my Cobalt; I was super looking forward to a similar thing on the home system. I did hear that magic a bit on the InnuOs Zen and would have kept that if I was planning on Zen forever, but I just love the Aurender as is; it is a really great piece. I really like InnuOs and loved the zen for 5 months give or take.
If InnuOs released a variant with this reclocker circuit board stuffed inside it would be a class leader; They could still sell the standalone but for Pete’s sake they should stick it in the next Zen series and save us audiofools another usb cable, another power cable, another box.
peace all

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@dpac996 —— If InnuOs released a variant with this reclocker circuit board stuffed inside it would be a class leader; They could still sell the standalone but for Pete’s sake they should stick it in the next Zen series and save us audiofools another usb cable, another power cable, another box.——-

That Innuos device you are describing already exists. It’s called Innuos Statement 
hello @thyname
A 4TB Statement costs an eye watering ~$14,400 USD. A top Zenith 4TB + a Phoenix = $8,800 USD;

So, for approximately $5,600 USD more you get 2 chassis, a much more sporting power supply, heavy case work etc in the Statement. I assume they even tricked out further the implementation of the Re-clocker circuitry inside the Statement chassis;

If the Innuos deleted the Phoenix USB Re-clocker toroid, case, and all the extra parts to make a standalone unit, just focusing on the triple linear supply and USB Re-clocker circuit board itself (with the oven controlled oscillator on it) from the BOM of the Phoenix they would be in the hundreds of bucks of parts only;

The trick for them is integrating it in the Innuos Zen series chassis along with the same motherboard, which is a COTS PCBA from a PC vendor; The USB and Ethernet receptacles are directly mounted on the PCBA;

I have had custom Com Express Type 6 carrier boards designed for me such that the manufacturer removed exact USB and RJ-45 jacks (seen in boards like the InnuOs zen pc motherboard) in favor of parts from JST or SAMTEC, from which we would plug a mating board to wire connector and route the high speed differential signals over to secondary break out boards for other purposes;

InnuOs could totally do that here (add a larger overall VA transformer to power the USB stuff) and up the cost of the Zen series maybe $1,000 - $1,500 and still profit; Single chassis, lower costs for all; I can’t see them asking their PC supplier to add in the custom re-clocking circuitry but it is pretty trivial to break those signals out to a sub-system.

I am totally not picking on InnuOs at all; Just dreaming of ways to get the highest performance USB interface out there baked in a server that is around the ~5K mark;  

IMHO i’m sure the statement sounds incredible but boy is it turbo expensive!