Hana SL or ML?

I am currently running a Hana EL cartridge with an Acoustic Solid turntable and Jelco tonearm. Phono stage is Sim Audio. I am wondering whether to go to SL from EL or go up to ML directly. 

Anyone had experience running both SL and ML carts here? Going to ML, is that significantly better than the SL?

Thanks in advance! 
I really liked the SL but the ML improves everything the SL does well and makes it better. More refined, better detail, separation, and frequency extremes. Bass was clearly better.

Exactly! This is what a refined stylus tip can make, Micro Line stylus is better and much more complicated than Shibata, so the improvement is obvious with any cartridge (MC or MM/MI).

@mekong56 Can you explain their policy regarding upgrade? What do they charge when Hana is worn and a customer willing to send it back for repair or upgrade with another model ? Do you know ? 

chakster -
I'm going off memory, but believe I was given a $300 or $350 credit towards the M when I traded up from the S. I thought that was pretty good, and I don't particularly like buying or selling used cartridges. 

I have no idea how they handle a re-tip or repairs if they are needed. I have no personal experience with that.

 I was given a $300 or $350 credit towards the M when I traded up from the S. I thought that was pretty good, and I don't particularly like buying or selling used cartridges.

Yes, that's very good, thanks

I just bought and installed a Hana MH on a VPI Prime, NS10 phono stage, Parasound HAC800 and Snell Type J3 speakers.  Very nice cartridge.  Much like Soundsmith Zephyr MkIII.  Both are nice carts and crush anything I throw at them,. punk, jazz, Classical. Dig it!