Class D amplifiers have very little phase shift

Too many diagrams to post here, so I just blogged it:

The 20 degrees at 2 kHz argument is bunk.
I've seen that graph used on DIY and ASR to claim the same thing. Most of the stuff posted there is way over my head, I never post on those sites just read them so I was trying to figure out what the deal was with this graph and why is didn't  mean what the guy was saying. 
Yet you were one of the first to to pat the OP (who has no idea) on the back in the other now deleted thread

George, you are one of the only people who even know that thread was deleted.  I'm happy to say the moderators brought it back, but this one has better pictures:

Here's the problem, I have two charts. Both from the same source.  Both clearly labelled.

Several people have used the first chart to claim it is the amplifier output phase chart. In fact, the actual amp phase is the second. Then George#3 (or 5?) rolls in and says that charts can't be trusted because (gobbledygook).  So... if charts can't be trusted, why is he relying on the first one to make his point????

Here we go, I added similar charts from a speaker simulator.

See the bottom. You have both output and impedance for the same speaker charted. Both have phase angles. They are not the same chart.

Also, look at the phase angle for the output? I make damn good speakers. :) Others do too, but I am so proud of how well those two drivers integrated.
Above all, everyone, I want to point out that I’ve made 1 claim.

The impedance chart is being misused.

There are several great ways to argue that Class D has a lot of phase shift. Show your work. Show the chart. Post specifics. Find a review, or data sheet.

Instead we get personal attacks, conflagration of a number of possible Class D issues, but the people (person) who relies on that chart to begin with is completely unable to actually refute my claim.

I welcome any and all sources of credible data (public review, manufacturer data sheet, etc.) which expand our knowledge here.