List of plinth builders for Technics SP10 MK3

Would like a dual arm plinth built for my Technics SP10 MK3.

Looking for reasonably priced builders.

I looked for references but there are very few listed.... and most are old listings and no longer available.



128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrich121
What exactly are you looking for ?  

Can make almost anything - have done a few Technics Plinths 

Take a look at my systems page too theres is a Technics pictured there

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For two tone arms, I think you might consider building a plinth that encloses the motor only. In other words, get rid of the rectangular escutcheon that sits on top of the surface of most plinths for the mk2 and mk3. Once you get rid of the escutcheon, there is much more room for two tone arms and 9 inch tonearms. Even a single 9 incher won’t work well with that escutcheon in the way.

That's hard to do especially on the MK2 as all the circuit cards are installed on the plate and they plug together via sockets on them with no wiring harness.  Everything of course is possible but it would require quite a bit of engineering to do.  

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I was only thinking of the mk3, where electronics are outboard. It’s been done by many, including Steve Dobbins. Probably OMA too.

I posted a picture of the innards of the SP10mk2 on my systems page for reference

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