Selling on Audiogon

It appears that it has become more difficult for individuals to sell equipment on Audiogon. com. Has anyone else had that experience. PayPal requires you to set up a business and the other available option also appears difficult. Am I alone in such an experience? Any other alternative that can be suggested?
For the first time since being a very active Agon poster and seller for some two decades I must say it has become too expensive to sell higher dollar gear. Anything I sell for over $500 I sell in a couple of days on the free sites, I actually find gear sells as fast or faster on Audio Circles and US Audio Mart. No reason to pay the high Agon fees on these bigger dollar items.

I sell my cables here as they all sell for under $500. I find Agon a decent value for these lower ticket items. The community here is great, but I wish Agon would lower the fees for higher dollar gear.
The cost of doing business has gone up. Those costs are filtered down to the end-user. A'gon is no exception.

Actually the seller is often covering the extra Agon cost.  I make more money on the no fee sites due to lower costs. The buyer pays the same price however.  That how it usually goes.