Innuos - New Re-Clocker

Heard Innuos was launching a Re-Clocker.  Anyone have details on the specs and performance?
So I went ahead and asked the question originally posted by @dpac996  then others, in terms of reclocking and a asynchronous USB DAC, directly to Innuos. This is the reply I received from Nuno copy/paste:

The PhoenixUSB does mainly three things:​

1. It regulates the 5V line from the source, helping remove some noise from the source itself

2. It replaces the 5V power by one of the included Statement-level linear power supplies existing on the PhoenixUSB

3. It reclocks the USB signal with a very high-end OCXO clock, which is powered by its own power supply. Do not confuse this with the clocking for the audio signal, we are not touching the audio signal at all. We are reclocking the USB commnunication between the source and the DAC. You could even connect a USB drive to the PhoenixUSB if you like, although that probably would not make sense - this is just to illustrate the PhoenixUSB does not work at the audio level but at the USB protocol level.​

If you can hear a difference? Given all the feedback we had so far and the numerous shows we have done A/B, it is 100% guaranteed you will hear the difference right in the first seconds of hearing a track. it's not a subtle change...​
Hope this helps.

Best Regards, 

Nuno Vitorino
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@djones51: read Nuno's reply on #3:
Do not confuse this with the clocking for the audio signal, we are not touching the audio signal at all. We are reclocking the USB commnunication between the source and the DAC......the PhoenixUSB does not work at the audio level but at the USB protocol level
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